Health Outcomes Autoimmune System

If your patient is living with an autoimmune disorder, managing symptoms may be a frustrating challenge for them. Autoimmune disorders can develop at any point, suddenly changing integral parts of a person’s normal life, and may require them to avoid certain foods to prevent flare-ups and fatigue.

As of 2012, 41 million Americans were diagnosed with an autoimmune disorder. Autoimmune disorders have become prolific, with 76 recognized autoimmune disorders affecting up to 4.5% of the world’s population. Different disorders come with different symptoms and triggers, but none are easy to live with.

An autoimmune disease is characterized by a person’s body attacking their healthy cells. Unsurprisingly, this can cause many unwanted symptoms for the patient. Often, patients believe there is no cure for autoimmune disorders, but the symptoms can be carefully managed, allowing the patient to live a normal life.

The key to aiding patients in living a healthy, active life with an autoimmune disorder is by helping them learn how to best manage their symptoms.

Managing Autoimmune Disorders

Strong autoimmune health requires paying close attention to what patients put in their bodies. You may find that certain foods or ingredients trigger increased symptoms in your patients. Some people may find that avoiding dairy, grains or gluten helps them better manage their symptoms.

Aside from cutting items out of their diet, another option is to consider adding healthier ingredients. A combination of anti-inflammatory ingredients, nutrients promoting gut health, and calming agents can work wonders for those afflicted with poor autoimmune health.

Unfortunately, many individuals find it challenging to get all the correct vitamins, nutrients, and foods from their diet. These people may benefit from adding appropriate daily vitamins and nutritional supplements to their diet.

Gut Health and Autoimmune Healing

Gut health involves millions of ever-changing microbes that interact with one another, affecting people’s ability to process energy, maintain health, and limit disease. Many people are surprised to learn that their gut and brain are intrinsically linked through the gut-brain connection. Because the gut relies on the same types of neurons and transmitters that are found in the central nervous system, medical experts sometimes refer to it as our “second brain.” It can play an essential role in our health and certain diseases.

For those with autoimmune disorders or autoimmune risk, certain gut microbes have been found to have profound effects on overall health and even mortality. Research shows that an off-center microbiome is associated with certain autoimmune diseases, but the addition of another gut microbe can help bring the microbiome back into balance and alleviate autoimmune disorder symptoms.

Nutritional Supplements Can Help

A well-formulated nutritional supplement can help multiple aspects of health with very limited dosing. Life Support Health Products’ Total Pathogen Support supplement contains nutrients to support people with bacterial issues, clostridia issues, lyme, Ebstein Barr, fungal issues and more. Additionally, it includes the most powerful proteolytic enzyme called lumbrokinase that can disrupt biofilm.

Lumbrokinase is the most powerful proteolytic enzyme available, and it serves to neutralize biofilm, which can hide harmful agents in the gut.

Inflammatory Ingredients and Autoimmune Healing

Inflammation is a common symptom of poor autoimmune health. It can lead to redness, swelling, heat, and pain. It’s vital that nutritional supplements aren’t made with inflammatory ingredients, or they could instigate symptoms instead of neutralizing them.

Patients with autoimmune disorders need a nutritional supplement that is accessible to all. Anyone can take Total Pathogen Support in just one daily dose. Total Pathogen Support is made to be taken on an empty stomach for the most bio-activity possible. However, depending on your patients’ specific issues, you may advise some patients to take Total Pathogen Support with food. Taking it with food may diminish the inflammation-reducing effects.

Total Pathogen Support includes the ingredients Boswellia and Japanese knotweed trans-resveratrol to assist in reducing inflammation.

Boswellia is a common antiviral and anti-inflammatory aid. It can reduce the pain associated with inflammation. Boswellia is an effective anti-inflammatory and painkiller that may also prevent cartilage loss.

Japanese Knotweed Trans-resveratrol
Japanese knotweed trans-resveratrol is known to positively affect inflammation and the autoimmune system. It has long been used in Japanese and Chinese medicine due to its anti-inflammatory and immune-boosting properties.

Try Total Pathogen Support for Better Autoimmune Health Today

Total Pathogen Support and Life Support can help autoimmune disorder patients live a life with less pain and discomfort. These products boost the immune system while delivering an anti-inflammatory punch and boosting the gut microbiome to optimal health. Discover more about these products and how they can improve your quality of life.